Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 4, June 4th

Hello everyone,

I'll be helping take some of the work load off Maggie. I'm typing this first post from my iPhone so I'll have to keep it short. Looking forward to reading all your comments later.




  1. I met a neat mom this morning at golf camp. I enjoyed teaching her daughter all week. We had a nice visit. I asked her how they like Jenks schools. She said they really did. She then asked me how we liked it, I said we love Jenks schools but have decided to homeschool James-leaving our other two at Jenks for now. She asked why. The conversation then turned to the spiritual as I gave my reasons for homeschooling. We started to talk about church, life, she mentioned her brother died last year. I asked her what she thought happened when you die. She said you go to one of two places. She gave me a biblical answer on going to heaven, Jesus being the only way. I went into Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast. We talked about Christ and His work on the cross for sinners. I brought up the resurrection and we had an amazing discussion. It was a joy sharing with this fellow sister in Christ. Golf camp seems to be a great place to witness for Christ.

  2. This is the first time I have been able to get things together to post - sorry all. On Monday I did have a great visit with a new family in the area. Both gave testimony of knowing Christ but it was a great encounter and I hope to see them here @ church in the days ahead.

  3. I mentioned yesterday speaking with a man I met who was distraught about his marriage. Today I followed up and was able to speak to his wife. She professes to be a believer, and I reminded her that the gospel of a crucified and risen Savior was still a message she needed to rest in daily--indeed, the only way to find real peace and ocntentment in this life. I am hopeful she was helped by this.

    My wife, Karen, is travelling in Texas visiting her relatives (and mine--sigh!). I spoke with her this evening and she told me she had shared the gospel with one of her relatives who is critically ill. She was not able to go into detail with me over the phone, but we agreed to talk later.

  4. I just want to tell everyone who is posting that I really am encouraged by your encounters. I want to thank you all for being diligent in writing every day. It helps me so much to hear about the different ways you are sharing the gospel. This is why I wanted to do this in the first place. Thank you all so much. I look forward to reading this every day.

  5. Hello all,

    Went to the same place I went yesterday -- the local Kum -n- Go. I spoke with two men both in their early twenties; they were hanging out near the store entrance. I asked them if they attended church in the local area and one answered yes the other had zero interest in talking to me. The one who wasn't interested in talking to me left soon after I asked if they understood the significance of the resurrection of Jesus. After the one left I focused on presenting the Gospel to the one who was willing to listen. He attends a local church and seemed to have an okay understanding of spiritual matters. I used 1 Co. 15 and walked him through an explanation of the Gospel. He's a nice kid and seemed very receptive -- he even thanked me for taking the time to talk to him.


