Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 20, June 20th

Nightline Face-Off: Does Satan Exist?

Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church on ABC's Nightline Face-Off.


  1. Greetings Brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    I met Kadie today at Reasors. She was my check out girl. She was very nice. I told her that I was doing this 30 day challenge at my church and I asked her if I could ask her some questions. She agreed and she asked me the first question. She wanted to know what type of challenge it was. I told her and asked her what she believed it took for a person to go to heaven. She said to just treat other people well. I then told her what the bible says about how to get to heaven, that it is outside of us, has nothing to do with us, I gave her the gospel message of Christ's perfect life, death and resurrecton. I told her that Christ was the wrath bearer on our behalf. She seemed to be a bit puzzled so I pressed it a bit more. I told her that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. We must plead His life, death and resurrection. That He never sinned and that we sin daily. I told her how I treated my own husband badly this morning, that I was short with him and not the most loving wife that I know I should be. That Christ died for that sin, that He took the wrath that I, a miserable sinner, deserve. She listened and then I asked her where she attended church. Some Methodist church. It was a good encounter and she seemed genuinely pleased that I would bring these things up with her. I praise God that He has given us this gospel, this gospel that is outside of us, that has nothing to do with us. I praise Him that I was able to share the gospel with this young girl today. She was so sweet and helpful.
    God is Good. He allowed me to spend some time with Kadie, I was amazed that noone came behind me waiting to buy their groceries. Every other check out was full. He is worthy to talk to all people about. Even when you are buying milk.

  2. Blessings Everyone,

    Maggie I've experienced the same blessing in stores and checkout lines, God seems to keep the lines clear and allow me time to speak the truth to people.

    Tonight I shared the Gospel with the young lady working the counter at GNC. She was very receptive to talking about the Gospel. When I entered the store I overheard her tell a friend that she would see them in church tomorrow. When I got to the counter I asked where she attended church; she attends a local evangelical congregation in Owasso. We talked about her church and how much she loves the music. She also mentioned that she had left 3 previous churches because the Senior Pastor’s in each of the churches had committed adultery. I thought to myself – WOW! We talked through the Gospel and I encouraged her by letting her know that Jesus will never let her down.

