Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 3, June 3rd

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, in Him all things consist. He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. Col. 1:15-18



  1. I met Judy at Subway today. I spoke with her as she made our pizzas. I asked her where she went to church. 1st assembly of God. she said, "when she goes" I asked her what she thought it took to go to heaven, she said be honest and love God. I smiled and then told her what the bible says about eternal life and heaven. I told her that it is all about the finished work of Jesus Christ. His life, death, burial and resurrection. I spoke of that for a while and how we are all sinners in need of salvation and we must repent of our sin and turn from sin and self, turning to the perfect savior, Christ. she nodded, then started talking about her grandma and how she was such a strong Christian and her grandma said you don't have to go to church to be a Christian. You have to have your own relationship with God. I said that God does have a relationship with all of us, that when you put your faith in Christ, really trusting Him to save you, you will want to worship this one who died for you, you will want to learn more of Him from His word, you will want to fellowship with others who love Him too. she nodded, then she said "I can be a good Christian at home" I then pointed her to Christ again and left.
    we had a good talk. I will be praying for Judy.

  2. I stopped at the local Kum -n- Go with my son G after we finished our workout. As we were leaving I noticed a few guy's (late teens early twenties) hanging out in the parking area talking and smoking. G and I went up to them and I asked them if I could ask a couple of questions. They said yes, I began by asking if they lived in the area and attended church anywhere. They said no, I then asked if they believed Jesus rose from the dead. They all said yes -- by this time 4 of them are talking to me. I continued by asking them what they thought was significant about the resurrection. They had no answer -- I then explained to them why Jesus came, the significance of His perfect life, sacrificial death and resurrection. I explained that sin must be paid for and that if we trust in Christ and his perfect life and sacrificial death then we can know that He paid for our sins. The alternative is to not believe (do nothing) and pay for your sin in hell for all of eternity. They were nice and did engage me some; overall a great encounter.

  3. I met a man today who is going through a very difficult time in his marriage. We discussed the challenges of two sinners trying to make a good life together and I pointed out to him that the perfect life of Jesus Christ, along with His substitutionary death and physical resurrection from the dead was the only hope for two sinners being able to experience and express forgiveness of sin. He claimed to be a Christian and he seemed genuinely comforted by these observations. I told him I would be willing to speak with "his better half" if he would like for me to. It reminded me that whether someone is lost or saved, they (and we) need to have the gospel preached to us every day. And since we need to hear it every day, if we will "preach it to ourselves" while at the same time sharing it with others, then we can get a "two-fer."

  4. Greetings all in the name of our Wonderful Savior!
    I am posting late ~ this week has been more than crazy! Early morning Golf camp really cuts into my late nights on the computer.

    I have not been as bold as I should have been so far this week. I should have taken more opportunities that presented themselves but for lack of a better word... I was LAZY!

    That being said ~ I have spoken with one lady while hanging out at Golf camp. The great thing is that she was a Christian and very involved with her church. She attends the Church of Christ in Downtown Tulsa and writes the curriculum for their pre-school and children. Her and her husband have one child and have tried for years to have another and now are looking to adopt. We spoke on several issues of praise seeing God's mighty hand moving in both of our lives. Please pray for her that they will be successful in their desire to provide a home for one of those children that need one. I really enjoyed talking to a fellow sister in Christ.
    I will be more diligent in my efforts to share the Gospel. I will be less lazy and more bold.
    Thanks Maggie for your leadership in this matter. I appreciate your enthusiasm and boldness for Christ. It inspires me!
