Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 30, June 30th

Brothers and Sisters,

While this is the last day of our 30 day challenge it is by no means the last day we will proclaim the Gospel. Please stay tuned to this blog for future challenges, teaching and encouragement. God bless you all as you seek to glorify the Father by proclaiming the Son. I'll leave you with one final quote from the Prince of Preachers.



"I remember one who spoke on the missionary question one day saying, “The great question is not ‘Will not the heathen be saved if we do not send them the gospel?’ but ‘are we saved ourselves if we do not send them the gospel"?

C.H. Spurgeon


  1. Great question and one that will be answered either now as we examine our hearts or in His presence one day. Thank Jimmy and Maggie for the challenge


  2. I have loved this challenge. Thanks to all who have participated.

    I shared today with "N" from our golf course. I gave him the gospel and it was an interesting conversation.

    This challenge has really motivated, encouraged and blessed me so.

    May we all continue to share this glorious gospel daily.

    God Bless,

  3. My youngest daughter and I went out to Freckles tonight for some Dad and daughter time. She asked if we could use the drive thru and I told her I wanted to eat inside. She said oh… are you going to talk to people about Jesus? I smiled and said yes. The Lord gave us a great opportunity with three people tonight, all young (18-20 something’s). I engaged them in some polite conversation and after a while asked if they attended church anywhere. They all attend various churches in Owasso. I asked what they look for in a church. Two answered they wanted their church to be friendly and one answered they didn’t want to feel judged by others. I said great answers and then I keyed in on the not judging answer. I agreed that people in the church or anywhere for that matter have no business judging others. They all agreed. I explained that we (mankind) are all in the same boat in that we are all sinners. I covered how Adam and Eve sinned against God and how their sin is passed down to every generation; that we are sinners by nature and by choice. If we understand that truth then we really have no business judging others and that God the only perfect and holy judge has the right to judge mankind. I then asked if they knew what God did 2,000 years ago to provide a means of rescue from God’s judgment – the judgment that ends in a guilty verdict with an eternal sentence in hell. They all said Jesus – I said that’s right! I walked them through the Gospel explaining how Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for sinners and three days later rose again. I then went on to explain that we must embrace Jesus and His person and work as our only hope of escaping the wrath to come (judgment day).

    Maggie thanks again for starting this challenge it has been a wonderful journey. The one thing I’ve learned is this – I do have enough time to share the Gospel with someone every day. It shouldn’t take a challenge to get me to admit and realize that, but it did.

    In Him,

